Working from home may seem like the best option for you right now, but it doesn’t mean your privacy is 100% safe.
When the novel coronavirus disease was first detected by scientists in late 2019, no one batted an eye and thought it would make such a colossal impact on human society. The world was suddenly placed in a state of shock when global lockdowns were enforced by governments and people were forced to stay home.
The global workforce is likewise one of the elements of society that was severely affected by the pandemic. According to a 2020 article from the EAE Business School , companies who started working from home skyrocketed from a mere 4% before the global health crisis to a whopping 88%. People who used to go to their day jobs to make a living are now trying to adjust to the realities of remote employment. It is true that the government is trying to keep further outbreaks from occurring, but people are still struggling to reel themselves into the “new normal”.
If you’re one of these professionals, you might be wondering how the work from home set-up can affect how you do your daily tasks. But did you ever think of the possibility that remote employment has its fair share of privacy risks? After all, data privacy breaches have surged with the rise of work-from-home arrangements. Hackers have started launching targeted attacks towards remote employee data files, so it is essential that you protect your private data at all times.
This article is a quick run-down on what you can do to avoid these potential privacy nightmares.
Tip #1: Watch what you post.
A no-brainer, but essential nonetheless.
Most people nowadays post private information recklessly and don’t think much about the consequences. Remote employees are no exception. When they take a quick break and decide to scour through their social media profiles, they sometimes post sensitive information unconsciously.
Hackers take advantage of these careless tendencies and use it to snag private data for malicious purposes. It all starts with making sure your posts do not contain confidential details, so be careful with what you post.
Tip #2: Double check the privacy guidelines of your office applications.
As a means to stay connected while working from home, remote staff constantly use a variety of office collaboration tools to their advantage. These business communication and teleconferencing apps may be powerful to keep remote companies afloat, but they have their own set of privacy risks. Remember, these apps have full access to your personal information and audio/video discussions, so you’re essentially left unprotected!
An effective countermeasure would be to find time and read on your applications’ privacy guidelines. If you feel the need to stop using an application because of privacy risks, inform your superiors immediately.
Tip #3. Protect your files with the Keepsafe Secret Photo Vault.
Last but not least, we highly recommend protecting your data by downloading the Keepsafe Secret Photo Vault.
Keepsafe is a secure, third-party application that aims to protect its users’ confidential files. It boasts military grade encryption to make sure hackers don’t ever gain access to your personal or work data, plus it’s super easy to use! Below is a simple tutorial to using the Keepsafe application: Download the application on your mobile. Create an account. Upon completion, you are greeted with a user-friendly interface and enough space to store your data safely. Create unique pin codes for each data album that you create. Start storing your private files. In case someone is trying to access your account, the Keepsafe application will send an authentication warning to you.
Work from home arrangements might be the norm for the foreseeable future during this pandemic, so it’s best to maintain both your personal and professional digital privacy spaces.
Click here to download Keepsafe!